Pittsburgh Maritime Association 2024 Scholarship Program
Application Criteria
- Objective
To provide financial assistance to high school seniors whose intention is to pursue a post high school education.
- Eligibility
To be eligible, the applicant must be a high school senior and must:
Have a Parent or Guardian whose company is a member (in good standing) of the Waterways Association of Pittsburgh.
- Type of School
Any formally recognized public, private, or trade institution.
Information necessary to apply is available on the Waterways Association of Pittsburgh website (www.wapgh.org) or by contacting Carole Ann Krelow at (724) 991-0136.Your completed application package must include:
- Application
- Personal essay
- Parent/guardian statement
- Two (2) letters of referral
- A copy of high school transcript (including class ranking)
- A copy of SAT and/or ACT scores (if applicable)
- Application Deadline
Applications are accepted between January 1 and March 31 of each calendar year.
Applications are to be postmarked no later than March 31, 2024.
Mail to: Pittsburgh Maritime Association
P.O. Box 178
Valencia, PA 16059
- Selection Process
Applications will be reviewed by a minimum of three (3) members of the Pittsburgh Maritime Association.
- Equal Opportunity
Applicants will be judged without regard to race, sex, ethnic background, religion or age.
- Scholarship Time Limit
The $2,000 Scholarship will be paid directly to the student upon successful completion of the first semester/grading term. A copy of the first semester transcript must be mailed to: Pittsburgh Maritime Association, P.O. Box 178, Valencia, PA 16059 before a scholarship check will be mailed. The Scholarship Award must be activated within twelve (12) months following the date of the Award.
- Awards Ceremony
The Pittsburgh Maritime Association will present Scholarships to the winners at a Waterways Association Meeting.